The Lincoln Red Cattle Society
Herd Books


Featured Image: Hemingby Polly T958     Breed Champion Royal Smithfield 2015, and at Rutland and Driffield shows 2016. Also, Female Champion at Woodhall, Lincolnshire, and Royal Norfolk 2016

Hemingby. Lincolnshire
Name of Animal
Hemingby Herd
Herd Book Number
Reason for Selling
I have decided to disperse my Hemingby Herd this year, and have the sale booked for Louth Market on Friday October 11th 2024. This will be a very sad day, but I have no one to carry on managing the Herd. I have had an enormous amount of enjoyment over the last 62 years with this wonderful Breed, both showing cattle round the Country, and seeing Hemingby cattle doing well for other Breeders. The Hemingby Herd was founded 83 years ago in 1941 by my Father Frank Read, who won his first Championship in 1955 at Woodhall Show. Since then the Herd has won 67 Supreme, 36 Male, and 77 Female championships, plus just short of 550 First Prizes. The herd has bred 3, and owned 11 Sires of the Year. There should be around 100 pedigree females, and calves, plus 3 stock bulls for sale on the day. For further details, please contact Michael Read on 01507 578238, 0r 07880 815510, 0r Email
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