The Lincoln Red Cattle Society
Herd Books

Breed Standards

Below are the Breed Standards used for Lincoln Red Cattle (Approved and Adopted by Council, 3rd July 2019)

Size: Lincoln Red Cattle should be medium/large framed with sufficiency of bone.
Average working female weight 700kgs.
Average working bull weight 950kgs.
Colour/CoatCherry Red all over with uniformity of colour throughout. A little white will not disqualify but must be limited to a small amount on the organs of genitalia and in the tail brush. There must be no white on any other part of the body. Hair short and slick in summer, longer and thicker in winter.
HeadMasculine in general appearance; with a broad forehead and proportionate face; broad pale muzzle; eyes bold but placid; ears large; expression indicating intelligence and docility. Fixed horns are not acceptable. Loose horns/scurs are accepted.
NeckStrong, thick and short, fitting neatly into the shoulders.
BrisketNeat fitting with no excessive fat.
ShouldersWide; flat and neat; sloping without pointedness; being well covered.
BodyWide across the chine; ribs well sprung; with no shallowness behind the shoulders; straight, muscled back; top and underline parallel; back and loin well covered and rounded.
Hind QuartersRumps should be long and level; no excessive fat on pin bone/tail head; thighs deep and low; with breech thick and carried down.
TailNeatly set, thick at the root, strong hair terminating in ample brush.
Substantial (2 year average 34cm scrotal circumference); even sized; equally suspended; not twisted.
Legs/MovementLegs should be proportionate; correct length and placed squarely to the body. The hind legs should be reasonably straight and parallel with hocks well apart; all having good sound feet, pointing directly forwards. Even locomotion with parallel tracking.
General CharacteristicsMasculine character; embodying the above points; good carriage; carrying head well up; even firm fleshing and substance, with skin silky to the touch.
Colour/CoatCherry Red all over with uniformity of colour throughout. A little white will not disqualify but must be limited to a small amount on the udder and in the tail brush. There must be no white on any other part of the body.
HeadFeminine in general appearance; eyes kind; pale muzzle; ears large; expression gentle but alert. Fixed horns are not acceptable. Loose horns/scurs are accepted.
NeckShort and neat to the shoulders.
ShouldersWide; flat and neat; sloping without pointedness; being well covered.
BodyWide across the chine; ribs well sprung; no shallowness behind the shoulders; straight, muscled back; top and underline parallel; back and loin well covered and rounded.
Hind QuartersHook bones wide but not prominent; rump well filled; pin bones square to tail showing no excessive fat; breech thick and low; good second thigh.
TailLevel to top line; fitting neatly, strong at the root; finishing with an ample brush.
Legs/MovementLegs should be proportionate; correct length and placed squarely to the body. The hind legs should be reasonably straight and parallel with hocks well apart; all having good sound feet, pointing directly forwards. Even locomotion with parallel tracking.
UdderWell attached; level silky bag with teats evenly spaced and moderate in size.
General CharacteristicsFeminine character; embodying the above points; good carriage; carrying head well up; even firm fleshing and substance, with skin silky to the touch.
The wording for these standards has been updated. The standards themselves are not new and have appeared in many of the herd books in the past.